Was born in Moscow. He finished the war with the rank of foreman in Austria.
PhD. He worked as Deputy General Director of the Norilsk Metallurgical Plant, chief engineer of Glavk "Norilskstroy".
At the end of his life, he was invited to work at NASA. Died in Washington.
PhD. He worked as Deputy General Director of the Norilsk Metallurgical Plant, chief engineer of Glavk "Norilskstroy".
At the end of his life, he was invited to work at NASA. Died in Washington.
Родился в Москве. Закончил войну старшиной в Австрии. Кандидат наук. Работал заместителем генерального директора Норильского металлургического комбината, главным инженером Главка "Норильскстрой".
В конце жизни был приглашен на работу в НАСА. Умер в Вашингтоне.
В конце жизни был приглашен на работу в НАСА. Умер в Вашингтоне.