She became a nurse shortly before the war and spent these terrifying four years carrying the wounded off the battlefield and later, caring for them in the field hospital. With her regimen, she practically walked across half the European continent, from the fields and ruins of Stalingrad to the Brandenburg Gate of Berlin.
Awarded many wartime medals, she finished the was in the rank of a Lieutenant of Medical Corpse.
Belarusian Front. 120th Guard Division, 339th Rifle Regiment, Medical Unit.
Awarded many wartime medals, she finished the was in the rank of a Lieutenant of Medical Corpse.
Belarusian Front. 120th Guard Division, 339th Rifle Regiment, Medical Unit.
Ставшая медсестрой ещё до войны, на руках она выносила раненых с поля боя. Практически пешком, прошла путь от Сталинграда до Бранденбургских Ворот. Награждена многими правительственными орденами и медалями, и окончила войну в звании Лейтенанта Медицинской службы.
Белорусский Фронт. 120 Гвардейская Дивизия. 339 Стрелковый Полк. Санитарная Рота.
Белорусский Фронт. 120 Гвардейская Дивизия. 339 Стрелковый Полк. Санитарная Рота.