The participant of the Second World War, the captain, was a tanker in the army of Vlasov. After being wounded, he was sent to a hospital before Vlasov’s army being surrounded, so he was not captured. He was awarded medals for courage and others. He served until the end of the war, was wounded in the head and leg, was fired in the 50-s without a pension.
He worked until his retirement in the Dnepropetrovsk Taxi Park as a carburetor, and died of the effects of wounds in 1978 in the city of Dnepropetrovsk, where he lived with his wife and three children after the war.
Good memory to my grandfather.
He worked until his retirement in the Dnepropetrovsk Taxi Park as a carburetor, and died of the effects of wounds in 1978 in the city of Dnepropetrovsk, where he lived with his wife and three children after the war.
Good memory to my grandfather.
Участник Второй Мировой Войны, капитан, был танкистом в армии Власова. После ранения был отправлен в госпиталь до окружения армии Власова, поэтому не попал в плен. Награждён медалями за мужество и другими. Дослужил до конца войны, был ранен в голову и ногу, уволен в 50-е годы без пенсии. Проработал до пенсии в Днепропетровском таксопарке карбюраторщиком, умер от последствия ран в 1978 году в городе Днепропетровске, где проживал с женой и тремя детьми после войны.
Светлая память моему дедушке.
Светлая память моему дедушке.